
Contact Form

Due to high volume of sample requests from private individuals we politely ask that you read our Purchasing Information page prior to contacting us.

Please note that we will not respond to the following requests:

  • Coating your car, boat, motorbike or bicycle
  • Use of Vantablack S-VIS for art 
  • Coating household objects, household rooms or personal musical instruments
  • Coating clothing or wearable fasion items like leather or fabric

Please also note that we don't respond to private email addresses like gmail and yahoo unless you state the name of the business you represent as these coatings are not sold to the general public.

Our Purchasing Information page address these questions in detail.

Please provide your name
Please provide your organisation
Please provide your email address
Please provide your phone number
Please tell us how you heard about us
Please provide some details of your enquiry

Legal & Privacy

Contact Details

Surrey NanoSystems Ltd 
Production Facility
Unit B East Side Business Park
Beach Road
East Sussex BN9 0FB
T: +44 (0) 1273 515899

Surrey NanoSystems Ltd
R&D facility
Unit 24 Euro Business Park
New Road
Newhaven BN9 0DQ

USA Applicator for Vantablack Vision 

Valence Surface Technologies LLC
7061 Patterson Dr
Garden Grove, CA 92841 USA
Tel: +1 310 738 1778

Japan Representative

Ocean Photonics, Inc.
Nishi Waseda 3-30-16,
Tokyo 169-0051

Tel: +81-3-6278-9470
Fax: +81-3-6278-9480